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A milliméter pontos darabolás ingyenes!
Szállítási információ
Átvételi lehetőségek 3 méter feletti profilok rendelése esetén: személyesen, vagy egyedi áras szállítással.
6 232 Ft
Nettó ár: 4 907 Ft
  • Készlet: Nincs raktáron
  • Cikkszám: B02.99.151

Standards and Regulations

In designing its industrial workstations, mk has
followed all applicable standards and regulations,
for example DIN EN ISO 6385 (Ergonomics
principles in the design of work systems).

Earthing and Protective Conductors

If industrial workstations are electrified (e.g.
lighting, electrical sockets, etc.), DIN VDE 0100- 410
specifies that all of a workstation’s conductive
components must be connected together and with
the protective conductor of the supply line so that
protection against electric shock is ensured in the
event of a fault.
Connecting the profiles with angles and ESD nuts,
sometimes known as PE nuts, ensures conductivity
throughout the entire workstation. If the workstation
is electrified after construction, this means that the
protective conductor has to be connected to the
workstation in only one location to provide earthing.

Earth Terminal

The earth terminal is used to connect the protective
conductor to the industrial workstation to ensure
protection against electric shock. This also protects
sensitive components against electrostatic discharge.